Besides practising singing dancing recording songs and producing albums Kpop idols also have to think about marketing and promoting their work which means MORE work for them in terms of public appearances. Dans cet article nous allons suivre la routine de Jeon Sung-won un jeune homme de 19 ans souhaitant devenir idole K-Pop. Posts Wall 12 Like posts.
Bonjour mi-mi Moi aussi mon rêve est de devenir idol Kpop mais je sais pas comment my prendre.
Besides practising singing dancing recording songs and producing albums Kpop idols also have to think about marketing and promoting their work which means MORE work for them in terms of public appearances. Avec ce test découvre à quel leader de groupe K-Pop tu ressembles. Avoid wearing K-pop fan clothingproducers might assume youre at the audition to get to see your idol. Management recommends that you get plastic surgery.